‘Til Death Hat Co.

Crafted with one-on-one attention to detail, every ‘Til Death hat is entirely handmade from stitch to crease. Beautifully imperfect and as full of asymmetry as nature. Our premium felt hats are crafted from beaver-alternative “coypu” felt - more commonly known as “nutria”. While beavers are native to North America and play an important role in their ecosystems, nutria are their invasive South American counterparts (also from the family Myocastoridae). Nutria felt is well in line with the quality of beaver felt without the concerns of over-hunting a crucial native species. Each custom hat order is finalized by a death pact - an agreement that your hat shall not leave your ownership ‘til death.

Legacy pieces meant for the long haul.

Custom felt hats in Tampa, Florida. Handmade hats in dress weight and western weight.
Custom felt hats in Tampa, Florida. Handmade hats in dress weight and western weight.
Custom felt hats in Tampa, Florida. Handmade hats in dress weight and western weight.